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Life hacks you can learn in a minute or less - RockXpo

  1. Measure your hand from your fingertips to palm and memorize it. Now you can judge the size of anything without a ruler.
  2. If you are charged with writing a lengthy research paper, find one very solid source that directly pertains to your thesis, and then you can use that source's bibliography to back into locating new sources.
  3. Grab a jpg, mp3, or some other media file and rename it "My Awesome Essay.doc" and send to professor. The "paper" will be look "corrupt" and it'll buy you a day or two more. Use sparingly.
  4. a tip for professors: if one of your student essays appears to be corrupt, rename it .jpg or .mp3 to check if they are lazy cheating bastards..
  5. If there's something I need to do but am procrastinating, I find something else I also need to do that's even more of a chore. I can then put off doing the second thing by doing the first.
  6. I set up automatic bill payment for everything. I don't remember precisely when those payments will go out. The fear of a bounced check or declined payment keeps me from getting too close to a zero balance.
  7. Anything I need to remember, I write down.
  8. Anything I need to take with me goes near the keys or the shoes.
  9. I used to have my computer set up to start playing a specific iTunes playlist on the stereo at a certain time. The playlist was exactly as long as I had in the morning and went from chill songs to more energetic. Throughout my morning routine, I could always tell how I was doing on time by the currently playing song.
  10. Celebrate my successes. I don't have a lot of self-discipline, so when I do actually exert some, I try to reward myself to encourage me to do it more.
  11. If there's something big I want to get done, I tell all my friends I'm going to do it. The fear of looking like an ass helps keep me motivated.
  12. If you have a song stuck in your head just listen to it and it’ll stop
  13. Put your clothes in the dryer before going out in the cold weather
  14. You don’t need to be friend with people you don’t like
  15. Instead of using the space bar try the letter ‘K’ it will always pause the youtube video without going down to the comment section
  16. McDonald's salads are more fattening than their burgers.
  17. When you feel like you need something, but can't figure out what it is, its water. Its always water.
  18. Need to charge your phone faster? just swich the airplane mode on.
  19. If you want to download a youtube video, just add ‘ss’ to the link between “www.” and “Youtube”.
  20. Often feel depress or sad? Keep a challenging game in your phone and play for few minutes, you would be surprised.
  21. Head & Shoulders can help you get rid of dandruff, but also helps you get rid of acne as well. It is because of the ingredient ‘pyrithione zinc’ found in it.
  22. Quora is thousands times better than other social sites
  23. If you purchased something on Amazon and the prize goes down within 30 days, you can e-mail them and they will send you the difference!
Source: Internet, and Personal experience
It would cost you nothing you appreciate my having gathered these life saving life hacks from Internet, quora and personal experience.

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